This story begins with a powder blue suitcase that held within it a young man's hopes and dreams for making a fortune. What he needs besides what is in the suitcase is a special talent that will give him the success he desires. Too soon, his hopes and dreams are dashed when the suitcase turns up missing. Meanwhile, a young orphan girl who has a talent for making the perfect cake for each person including judges, successfully competes in bake-offs. Her guardian has a special talent for matching each child with the best parents, but has yet to find a match for the orphan girl. As the story progresses, the reader is introduced to many unique and interesting characters and most of them have special talents. Most know what their special talent is and others are searching for their talent. What happens next causes a problem for many of the characters when a man begins stealing talents from the people he encounters in his store. This story has captivating characters and the writing is eloquent. This makes a great read.